In an effort to gather the British Columbia community’s perspective on an expanded oil and gas sector, Shaw Media in conjunction with the Masters in Dispute Resolution at University of Victoria has created a groundbreaking talk show series called, “Find a Balance.”
Believing in the power of graphics to help show diversified perspectives in a way that helps people align and discover new insights, UVic suggested to Shaw that they include graphic recording in the show’s format. Hosted by Fanny Kiefer, the first 2 episodes of Shaw’s 5-episode series brings together influential people from both sides of the argument to discuss their views as a visual artist records the conversation.
At the end of these episodes, participants are asked to reflect on the map to further generate insights, which elevates the maps beyond a recording device to a thinking tool.
Get the Picture’s own Lisa Edwards maps the conversation to show how groups on opposing sides of an issue can find common ground through visual representation. This dialogue format is a highly positive way to help British Columbians grapple with this political matter that affects both the environment and the Canadian economy.
The first show, taped in the Comox Valley, aired August 10, 2013 on Global BC and following episodes will take place in other areas around the province. Maps from these shows will then be posted in online chat forums at so people can view the dialogue and participate in the discussion on the issues.
We’re so proud to take part in such influential programming. We believe this to be the first time ever that graphic recording has been leveraged in a TV talk show and are honored to be the visual artists who are mapping the conversations that are changing our world.
Be sure to check out the show on Shaw Video on Demand and get involved with this vital dialogue that not only affects the future of BC, but of the entire planet.